How to Learn Lyra Hoop – The Ultimate Guide 2024

Learning how to perform on a lyra hoop is not a walk in the park especially if you are trying it for the first time.

You have to take several factors into the picture including the setup requirements and the learning options available to you.

We’ve summarized the most important points to help you decide the learning path best suited to your style and preference.

Formal classes

We highly recommend you take up classes and attend workshops to learn how to use a lyra hoop.

Dance studios have the proper equipment and learning methods for anyone serious about learning the basics of this aerial art.

Having a personal coach teach you the dos and don’ts makes learning a lot easier and more efficient.

Their years of experience provide valuable insights you may not get from simply watching instructional videos at home.

With their help, you don’t have to go through time-consuming trial and error processes to know which positions work best for executing moves and tricks.

Proper form is a necessary subject to learn in aerial art because it can save you from injuries and unwanted muscle strains; a lesson you may not be able to get through self-taught methods alone.

A trained professional can provide clear instructions and constructive criticisms to correct your form and performance for better results.

Using a lyra hoop can be dangerous which is why it’s important to always have a spotter every time you practice.

Practicing with your classmates ensures you’re in the presence of people who can help you in unexpected situations.

Aside from that, the company of people undergoing the same training and hardships you are experiencing may help increase motivation and emotional strength.

Paid classes may not be suitable for interested people who are on a tight budget, though.

Prices for workshops usually range from $100 to $200, depending on the length of classes.

It may be outside the budget to some, but the tips and guidance you get from a personal coach are irreplaceable.

Instructional videos and manuals

YouTube and similar video hosting sites house a number of instructional videos, some for free and some requiring subscription fees.

The main advantage of learning lyra hoop through this method is its affordability and convenience.

These materials are cheaper compared to formal classes, costing only around $25 to $50.

You also don’t have to spend time traveling to class because you can just practice at the comfort of your home.

Several online sellers of lyra hoops also offer instructional videos and manuals for your perusal.

Many known performers also conduct online workshops for a small fee.

Tutorial videos can demonstrate how to execute aerial moves, combine them with other tricks, and give ideas you can use for your performance.

However, they may not be able to show some nuances helpful in properly executing the dance moves.

The muscles you need to contract, the placement of your limbs, the balancing techniques, and how to shift your weight ‘ these are important pointers that videos and manuals may miss.

Learning through self-help manuals are even harder.

Reading a series of instructions and visualizing how to get from one position to another is definitely difficult.

There may be step-by-step drawings but these may not be enough to guide you.

We strongly suggest you only use instructional videos and self-help manuals as reference materials for practicing.

You should have undergone proper training first before you rely on any of these resources.

That being said, it’s definitely not for starters who don’t have any background in dancing or gymnastics at all.

Attempting to execute moves you’re not familiar with on your own may lead to accidents.

You may twist your muscles or fall off the ring, resulting in sprains or broken joints.

If you’re practicing at home, make sure you have someone watching as a spotter during your practice.

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The method you choose depends on your background in aerial dancing, your house setup, schedule, and budget.

Formal classes tend to have more benefits over self-help materials in terms of ease of learning since you have an actual coach to guide you all throughout the process.

Manuals and tutorial videos, on the other hand, have the advantage of availability and convenience since you can just take them up anytime you want without leaving your house.

Whichever learning path you choose, it’s important to always prioritize your safety.

Make sure you’re practicing on sturdy equipment, you have a crash mat underneath the rigging to cushion your fall, and you’re in the presence of a spotter to help you in dire situations.

Learn the history of Aerial Hoop