6 Music Styles To Use For Pole Dancing for 2024

Mastering dance pole tricks aren’t enough to create a whole routine.

You need to incorporate the moves with your chosen dance style for a complete act.

Usually, pole dancers concentrate on using one style of music and dance for their performances.

If they prefer jazz music, they’ll practice jazz moves and mix it with pole tricks appropriate to the tempo.

Depending on the theme and the message you want to convey to your audience, the following styles listed below are the options available to fit your preference.


Contemporary dance came from combining modern, jazz, and ballet moves.

It’s characterized by ballet legworks, sharp torso movements, and fall and recovery techniques from modern dance.

music for pole dancing
Many floor works utilize contemporary moves to display sharpness and finesse of actions.

This makes the dance more expressive and easier to combine with dance pole tricks.

The rolls, slides, and drops involved in contemporary dance perfectly match the climbs and spins of pole dancing.


Dancehall is a popular music genre which originated in Jamaica in the 1970s.

It’s somewhat similar to reggae but with a more upbeat tempo.

It has evolved into digital dancehall, combining reggae music with digital instrumentation to create faster rhythms.

Using it in pole dancing remains to be very challenging but not impossible.

Peppa Pou, crowned as the Dancehall Queen for winning a string of competitions, used dancehall music in her performances.

In her experience, it’s best to use a lot of headstands, drops, regrips, deadlifts, and other dynamic moves to cope with the fast music.

Static holds won’t fit easily and aerial poses have limited chances for execution.


If you have formal training in ballet, it’s possible to combine it with pole dancing for an elegant performance.

Ballet’s natural use of fluid, precise motions and pointe work techniques are perfect for pole dancing’s sensual nature.

A tutu is also perfectly suitable for performing pole dancing tricks.

Trained ballerinas like Elena Gibson is one of the renowned performers able to combine ballet and pole dancing and reinvent both dance sports to a whole new level.

She exhibits exceptional muscle control and balance in mixing spins and aerial splits with ballet moves like Jade, Ballerina, Titanic, and Allegra in her performances.

Street Jazz

Street jazz evolved from the combination of hip-hop, breakdancing, ballet, and other styles while showing a certain degree of finesse.

This genre is characterized by technically sharp moves and isolations played in tandem with either fast or slow music.

Slow street jazz can be manipulated to become more expressive, making it a great match for pole dancing moves.


Pole dancing outfit doesn’t need to be sexy or vulgar to be entertaining.

You can wear a hoodie and jeans, and partner your routine with hip-hop music.

Hip-hop involves fast, high-energy dance moves performed with an upbeat rhythm.

The 2013 Pole Art Champion, Heidi Coker, used break dance and hip-hop moves to win the trophy.

Group pole dancing

Doing pole routines in groups continue to gain popularity in the pole dancing scene with some competitions including them as part of performance acts.

In group pole dancing, pole dancers must execute the moves at the same time, similar to how athletes of synchronized swimming and other performance sports involving groups do their acts.

Any dance genre can be used as long as everyone in the group executes the moves completely in tune with each other.